

[置顶] 这个是我好哥哥写的雅思作文,形容流水,雅思8分写作 自拍照 PTE 托福

Question: It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not  

just for things that are practical.  

 sample answer:  


自拍照雅思托福GRE IBT有需要高端留学移民的可以联系我

IELTS Essay: "Capital Punishment"

By Jeenn Lee Hsieh

>"All serious criminals should be hanged," according to some people who want to see justice done.  Some people, however, seem to be opposed to death penalty, apparently out of human love.  Most people nowadays choose to stand somewhere in between the two extreme points of view.

CAE 雅思 act GRE 自拍照,同学们移民留学的请看过来

Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Society benefits more from works  

of great artist than from political leaders.  

sample answer:  

I agree with the notion that society benefits more from the work of great artists than from political  


Task 2

  The tendency to copy is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumers' goods. To what extend do you agree or disagree?’

As people’s aesthetic demands growing with the development of fashion industry. No issue seems more marvelous than fashion. Fashion has long been an important part in modern life and it is so common in my country for young people to follow some fashion trends in clothes, accessories, mobile phones, and even lifestyles like travelling abroad to enjoy the picturesque and exotic landscape. The most evident example is the apple’s gadgets which are so sought after that fans of the digital giant send their tributes to it in a fanatical way. 


雅思笔试大作文Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us look the same. Do you agree or disagree?

The modern world is awash with advertising, a commercialism that has stretched far beyond traditional media. Advertising now occupies space while you move and you wait; it exists as events and ties in with success; via branding it has become actual people and holdable objects. The aim of this advertising is to create aspiration as a purchasable unit, and in this sense it definitely does curtail individualism

CAE 雅思 act GRE 自拍照,同学们移民留学的请看过来


The burning of fossil fuels is universally recognized as the largest source of the emission of greenhouse gases and one of the key factors responsible for global warming. And with the development of technology and economy, more and more modern transport (such as automobiles) that run by petrol have been put into use, which inevitably leads to tremendous traffic problems and environmental pollution. Thus, some people maintain that the best approach to deal with this problem is to increase the price of gasoline. In my opinion, this measure might work to some extend, however, other resolutions should also be given equal consideration.


elevision shows should be all educational, not entertaining.



美高11年级,目前在学校担任报社编辑已有一年之多。托福写作目前是28分,今年2月份首考ACT 31 (English 34, Writing 9)。标化写作考试准备主要分几个阶段:入门,练习,提高。下面这篇经验文主要讲的是入门知识,希望能给你一个框架避免走弯路的approach ACT作文。  特别声明:以下的经验都是从四五个美国的ACT培训网站、满分学霸那里总结来的。俗话说,三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮;那么这篇经验文就是五个诸葛亮的智慧结晶。  备考ACT作文,不要做延症+懒癌的晚期患者。想当初申请美高的时候,ACT的作文题目还是跟托福差不多。现如今,ACT竟悄然生息地把作文类型给改了。其实改革后变得更容易了一些,因为你并不需要费太多的脑力去思考你的观点,而是考察你的观点分析与语言组织能力。(注:此文大部分内容是我阅读多方的经验并且总结而来,因为我只是知识的搬运工,所以特意在文章最后加了出处)  大体来讲,写ACT作文要分三个步骤来:准备,写作,检查。  准备 大体的题型是这样的,先给你一段总述的话,讲一个有争议的现象,然后给出你三个perspectives。来,我们先仔细阅读一下官方的题目要求。  The test describes an issue andprovides three different perspectives on the issue. You are asked to readand consider the issue and perspectives, state your own perspective on theissue, and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least oneother perspective on the issue. Your score will not be affected by theperspective you take on the issue. ——ACT. org 审题是准备过程中很重要的一项。要想写一篇高分作文,就要完成它给的三个任务。第一任务是要 “read and consider”。一定要仔细阅读题目里的一段概述以及三个观点。因为概述中会提到很多现象,包括具体例子,这些例子你可以用来拓展,并且借助它帮你发挥自己的灵感。  读完概述之后,你会更明白如何写第一段引入主题的话。然后,针对题目中提到的三个观点,我们要认真了解,分析,概括其中至少两个观点,用一句很简短的话表明每个观点是在讲什么。让我们借助官方给出的例子来具体分析一下。  Perspective1 What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part ofour own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from usbasic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people. (http://ACT.org)  我们首要任务就是缩写句子。  Perspective 1 可以缩写成  We are losing our basic humanity because of our excessive relianceon machines.  Perspective 2 Machines are good at low-skill, repetitivejobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work betterthan humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive worldfor everyone. (http://ACT.org)  Perspective 2 的主要观点是  Machines are better at either extremely repetitive or precise jobs than human, so they lead us to a more progressive world.  Perspective3 Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be.This is good because it pushes both humans and machines toward new, unimagined possibilities. (http://ACT.org)  Perspective 3 的观点可以简化成  Intelligent machines are challenging and pushing both humans and machinesto greater possibilities.  在审完三个题目之后,要想一个自己的观点,不用多么独特,可以跟其中的某两个观点重合,或者完全不一样,或者也可以是这三个观点其中一个。(在这篇文章中,我会说我支持观点3,然后反驳观点1和2。)  然后,我们要开始打草稿,为每个观点列出正面或反面例子。这些例子完全可以是编的,因为ACT作文不要求你在进考场之前对这个话题有多么了解,只希望你可以组织一个有说服力的论点。  题目的第三个要求,是需要分析与议论你的观点和至少另外一个观点的内在关系:为什么你的观点为什么更有说服力。当然,我推荐要把观点1和2都展开,因为我们在阅读官方例文时会发现5或6分作文要明显更长。所以,有的时候只写一个观点会感觉文章空荡荡的。慢慢感受你的Boss完胜了另外两个大Boss的快感吧。  写作 用时8-10分钟后,准备工作已经完成,这个时候就可以动笔了。第一段的结构是漏斗状,前边的内容空泛一些,但是不要偏离主题,然后一步一步的把各个观点串联起来,最后一句话要简明的表达你自己的观点。很多同学可能一上来会出现断片,可以在作文纸上先留出来10行或20行,等写完主体文章的第二段话再来写开头。  在学校的AP Literature课上我们老师教的一个写作方法就是抛砖引玉。在第二段中,我们要写反方观点1。第一句话是我们之前缩写的句子1,然后具体描述这个观点的优势在哪里。当然你这篇文章的主要任务并不是追捧观点1,所以关于观点1的优势的篇幅一定要短。  然后在第二段的第二部分我们就要用现实生活中的例子说明这个观点如何行不通,然后把它的优势说的很superficial。接下来,第三段与第二段非常类似,只不过我们要来议论反方观点2。第二个观点篇幅并不需要很长,因为我们要衬托出接下来的第四段(也就是我们的主题段)有多么重要。完美的过渡到第四段时,我们要写观点3。  在这个主段落中,避免提到此观点的不足,要选择很具体的例子来证明这个观点在现实生活中的体现,要能扯,把这段话拉长,形成一个形式上的反差。写完主段落后,结尾并不需要多么绚烂多彩,因为很多时候,时间已经不够了。所以,我建议同学们只是再把你的thesis reiterate一下就好了。  检查 首先检查的就是基本的语法错误,如果能留出5分钟重新阅读文章是最理想的。但是,我自己在写作的时候用的一个方法就是每写完一段话就去检查, 每次检查我都会去再阅读一遍我打草稿时写下的thesis,确保没有跑题。总的来说,准备工作做得好,写文章就比较顺利了。


雅思范文编号08421 : 钱与幸福

IELTS Essay Topic:

>Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe that this depends on other factors.  Discuss both sides and give your opinion.  Use specific reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples and details from your own knowledge or experience.


Choosing a suitable career is becoming increasingly important to many young people, especially for fresh graduates from college. However, it faces various obstacles during the process.

First of all, with the lack of experiences, young people hardly realize what are the suitable jobs for themselves. Job descriptions simply illustrate the work contents in a written form that might mislead the young job seekers. Secondly, intense competition is another crucial reason for such phenomenon. Each year, thousands of graduates entering the labour market whereas there are limited vacancies for these less experienced young people. Meanwhile, with the rapid growth of technology, a great number of companies have increased their hiring standards for employment. 

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