


Some people think that it is beneficial for students to go to private secondary schools, but other people think that it can have a negative effect. Discuss the two points and give your own opinion.

留学出国快讯技术移民,自拍照雅思CAE PTE为你保驾护航

Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Society benefits more from works  

of great artist than from political leaders.  

sample answer:  

I agree with the notion that society benefits more from the work of great artists than from political  



技术移民,自拍照雅思CAE PTE为你保驾护航

Task 2

  The tendency to copy is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumers' goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?’

As people’s aesthetic demands grow with the development of the fashion industry. No issue seems more marvelous than fashion. Fashion has long been an important part of modern life and it is so common in my country for young people to follow some fashion trends in clothes, accessories, mobile phones, and even lifestyles like traveling abroad to enjoy the picturesque and exotic landscape. The most evident example is apple’s gadgets which are so sought after that fans of the digital giant send their tributes to it in a fanatical way. 

雅思CAE GRE GMAT 托福自拍照,火速动起来

Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make such noise as they wish. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

澳洲移民CAE 雅思 自拍照 ,妥妥的,有需要的客户看过来,澳洲本土 可以面谈!

Some people think all law breakers should be put into prison.Others believe that there are better alternatives.Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that there are better methods to deal with law breakers, while others think all law breakers should be put into prison. In my point of view, both of them are one-sided, since punishments used by many countries in the world today are indeed varied, including but not limited to: imprisonment, fines, custodial training, etc.


The tendency to copy is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumers' goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?’

自拍照雅思托福GRE IBT有需要高端留学移民的可以联系我

Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Society benefits more from works  

of great artist than from political leaders.  

sample answer:  

I agree with the notion that society benefits more from the work of great artists than from political  


Task 2

  The tendency to copy is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumers' goods. To what extend do you agree or disagree?’

As people’s aesthetic demands growing with the development of fashion industry. No issue seems more marvelous than fashion. Fashion has long been an important part in modern life and it is so common in my country for young people to follow some fashion trends in clothes, accessories, mobile phones, and even lifestyles like travelling abroad to enjoy the picturesque and exotic landscape. The most evident example is the apple’s gadgets which are so sought after that fans of the digital giant send their tributes to it in a fanatical way. 


Choosing a suitable career is becoming increasingly important to many young people, especially for fresh graduates from college. However, it faces various obstacles during the process.

First of all, with the lack of experiences, young people hardly realize what are the suitable jobs for themselves. Job descriptions simply illustrate the work contents in a written form that might mislead the young job seekers. Secondly, intense competition is another crucial reason for such phenomenon. Each year, thousands of graduates entering the labour market whereas there are limited vacancies for these less experienced young people. Meanwhile, with the rapid growth of technology, a great number of companies have increased their hiring standards for employment. 

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